Monday, July 6, 2015

talking about future... + compilation of my artworks on 2014-2015

Since I'm a high school student and I'm sure you know that I'm going to be a colleague in two years later. True it's a part of future. Who will I be in the future? Where will my career go? What should I prepare for the future?

These days my friends and I talk a lot about the future and faculties that they're going to take. Since I attend social studies class, then the faculties they want must be related to social studies, such as law, economics, business, psychology, social and politics, public relations, even some want to be teachers. Then, how about me?

Like, seriously, I have to admit that I'm curious and interested to get in to the faculties. But, first thing first. Think about what you want to be, not what you like. You like music (yep most people looooove music, I bet you do), but you've got no plan to be a musician. You put the music as your entertainer only. I'm pretty sure that you've got some friends that play music. Do they all want to be musicians? No. Maybe, some of them do. Some make music as their career, but some of them only make music as a medicine of stress.

I'm curious with psychology (I really do) and I think it's fun to know and understand people by reading their faces or other ways to read, but going back to the plan that I have no interest to be a psychologist. I just want to have the knowledge, and there's nothing wrong with that. (remember, Allah likes knowledgeable people)

Talking about future, means we're talking about what we prepare for the future. Hey, the world is waiting for your action outside. You can't just wait until the white horses come and pick you up to the olympus. All you have to do is taking steps on the stairs and face the challenges you meet.

And after I had done some discussions along with my parents and cousins, I've decided to take faculty of arts and design, and I'll take Visual Communication Design major--which I'm going to make advertising, films, do some graphic designs, and everything digital (um, not always, actually. Right now I prefer making posters for advertising or making a yearbook manually than making digitally; because (1) I'm able to express my art widely, (2) it's way easier for me to create gradient colors manually (like using paint or color pencil, duh), and (3) I'm not a real pro when it comes to digital, but I can, basically.

And these days I've got an interest of making videos, either vlogging or making short movies. I've made a short horror movie (which I think it's insanely simple because we only used few dialogues) for the annual Indonesian Short Film Festival held by SCTV (to watch click here). Don't forget to like!! *chuckles

Aaaand, here I show you my artworks that I've done in a year since I attended high school!


left: Radiance--breakfasting event held by my junior high schoolmates (manual), and VOS--Voice of Smada, the annual talent show in vocal and music held by Smada Intra-School Student Organization.

more from my instagram:

A photo posted by Farah Firdausy (@farahfirdausy) on

A photo posted by Farah Firdausy (@farahfirdausy) on  

A photo posted by Farah Firdausy (@farahfirdausy) on

A photo posted by Farah Firdausy (@farahfirdausy) on  

Well if you've got questions about my artworks kindly ask me on twitter or instagram! (I actually have an account but only few of my friends know haha) 

Friday, June 12, 2015

trilogiis29 goes to jogja

Hello people! So it has been June, I've done my exams, and I'm going to take my report book on Saturday, aaaaand welcome Summer--Er, I mean, welcome Ramadhan. :)

So this year my school decided to have a study tour to Jogja and Solo. It was held to develop our knowledge, especially in Indonesian History, Geography, Sociology, Economics and also Chemisrty (for the science class) subjects. And where did we visit for the past five days? 

Several days before the study tour, I had decided that I'd make a new project after Aixtion Goes to Puncak movie documentary (I've finished creating the movie and I need to ask my 9th grade classmates a permission If I could upload the vids). So I asked my dad if I could bring my camera, and then he said yes, and I was too excited when I heard that (I really was), then, it was the day.

On the first day (March 10th) we left our hometown at six, and since that morning I was ready for recording something funny that happened in the bus, It took almost a day to our hotel and what I did was just listening to my iPod.

the view when we were on the way to jogja

We visited Sangiran Museum--it's a place where hominids were mostly found. You will find the fossils and everything related to the pre-history. 

Went shopping at Malioboro and visited Ratu Boko Temple (which needed much energy to get there bc it is located in the highland). In the afternoon we headed to Pentingsari Village, where we had home stay 

view from Ratu Boko Temple

Our last day in Pentingsari Village! We took a walk in the morning and we had got great views there, including Mt. Merapi. Then, we had shopping at bakpia store (which I forget the name) and went to Soeharto Museum before we went home.

Soeharto Museum

you can also see the trailer of our journey in jogja.

good night and have a nice holiday! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

panorama - happy new year 2015!

Good afternoon folks!

Well it's exciting though dapet materi baru di semester 2. Tapi enggak cuma itu yang bikin aku excited tahun ini, karena aku bakal lebih sibuk ngerjain sesuatu yang aku suka. Nge-band, participated in choir group, bikin lagu baru, tulis novel (on the way!), bikin short movie kalau bisa, bikin desain (anything, could be clothes or drawings or any concepts) and soon i'm planning to create a new project with my mom. 

Oh iya, dan happy new year 2015! I think it's late already... karena sepertinya udah lama aku enggak update blog lagi. So when the 2nd semester started, kita udah dibanjirin banyak banget tugas. Emang awalnya agak sedikit ngeselin karena setiap pertemuan selalu ada PR, ternyata efeknya baru kurasain Februari ini. Karena guru-guru ngejar materi pas Januarinya, akhirnya bulan ini aku lebih banyak santai. Dan sebentar lagi mid semester exam, so I guess I need to prepare myself.

Anyways, hari ini aku mau bahas tentang serial thriller favoritku. Beside The Hardy Boys, aku suka banget sama serial yang satu ini.

The name of the serial is Johan Series, yang menceritakan tentang kejadian-kejadian seram yang menimpa empat remaja SMU Persada Internasional (Jenny, Hanny, Tony dan Markus). 

Started from Obsesi, awalnya Jenny dan Hanny adalah kedua sahabat yang rukun, yang kemudian semuanya jadi berubah ketika ada seorang murid di sekolah itu yang naksir berat sama Hanny. Sampai-sampai Hanny is one and only for him dan akhirnya bikin si cowok yang naksir itu jadi psycho. Enggak cuma itu, Jenny, Hanny diikuti Tony dan Markus akhirnya menyelidiki latar belakang si cowok ini. And some kind of thrilling experience happens at school seperti ada yang terluka di lab kimia dan ada yang kecelakaan. 

Kemudian berlanjut ke pengalaman Hanny di Pengurus MOS Harus Mati, yang enggak melibatkan Jenny, Tony atau Markus. Jenny sedang liburan ke luar negeri, sementara Tony dan Markus sedang berlibur di kamp judo di Pontianak, sementara Hanny dipanggil ke sekolah untuk mengurusi MOS pada tahun itu. Kemudian, pengurus-pengurus MOS tersebut mengarang enam cerita horor sekolah mereka dengan tujuan untuk menakuti adik kelas mereka. But who knows when the horror stories comes to life? Satu persatu pengurus MOS jadi korban dari cerita horor dari yang mereka buat sendiri. 

Buku ketiga adalah pengalaman Tony dan Markus di Permainan Maut. Buku ini menceritakan berlatar di Pontianak, alias waktu mereka ikut kamp judo. Seorang teman lama Tony memanggil mereka berdua karena ada sesuatu di rumahnya di Pontianak. Akhirnya, Tony dan Markus pergi ke Pontianak dan menginap di rumah teman lama Tony bersama anggota judo lainnya. As usual, anggota-anggota klub judo lainnya juga menjadi korban atas suatu kejadian yang terjadi di rumah yang penuh misteri itu. 

The last story, Teror. I won't give any spoiler about this novel, tapi Teror ini seperti menyimpulkan buku pertama sampai ketiga. 

I've read this series since 2011, waktu awalnya aku tertarik sama serial TeenLit, dan aku memang lagi nyari novel yang bukan romance (tbh dulu aku enggak suka novel romance) dan akhirnya ketemulah novel Obsesi ini. Kubaca dan ternyata novelnya seru banget! 

At first I didn't know that there was the second book, setelah muncul buku Pengurus MOS Harus Mati. Awalnya aku enggak begitu niat beli buku keduanya karena (kalau enggak salah) aku tertarik sama buku lain. Tapi lama-lama aku mulai tertarik juga, and I'm totally in love with the second book! Menurut aku, Pengurus MOS Harus Mati adalah buku paling seru di antara semua buku di Johan Series ini, karena benar-benar unpredictable dan thrilling banget. 

I've recommended this series with my fellow friends dan kebanyakan dari mereka bilang novelnya seru banget. 

I think what makes the book so exciting and thrilling karena buku ini main otak. Jadi, kita ikut menebak-tebak siapa pelakunya, dan pelakunya benar-benar unpredictable. and thrilling enough. Meski buku ketiga bukan favoritku, buku itu berhasil bikin aku enggak bisa tidur (am I the one who is too overacting or what?).

Well, I think that's enough for today. Have a nice day folks!:)

2021 holy shit a life update

 How long I haven't been signed in to this blog? I miss the time where I ranted some random stuff here and socialised with some of my bl...