Monday, July 21, 2014

puncak day 3 with aixtion

Hey fellas! Sorry I've been absent for a week (or more?)... Aku ngurusin macem-macem buat SMA, seperti bahan buat MOPD, sanlat, tes akademik dan psikotes buat nentuin kita masuk jurusan mana. At first I really want to go to social studies class, karena entah kenapa aku lebih menonjol di IPS daripada IPA, padahal minatku 50-50 haha. Tapi sebenarnya enggak masalah aku masuk IPA juga, soalnya aku milih desain grafis pas kuliah nanti, karena dari jurusan manapun bisa masuk.
Dari post yang sebelumnya, aku bilang bakal ngelanjutin hari ke-2 aku di puncak, dan maaf aku harus ngeskip hari kedua... because I'm lack of photos (but more videos) and we didn't go anywhere, jadi langsung ke day 3-nya! Aku lagi bikin video puncak day 2 dan Insya Allah selesai, tapi enggak tau bakal di upload ke YouTube atau enggak.....

So here it is! 

On day 3 (which was Wednesday) we went to Taman Bunga Nusantara before we went back to Depok. It is a flower park that is located at Mariwati Street, KM 7 Kawungluwuk Village, Cianjur, West Java. It contains water park, rose park, french park, labyrinth, Bali park, Mediterania park, palm park (which has many palm trees) and japan park. Here you can see many flowers from all around the world. 

the labyrinth park

the french park

Sebenarnya enggak banyak disini... paling macam-macam bunga, terus ada arena games-nya.. Tapi Taman Bunga Nusantara ini cocok banget buat foto-foto, apalagi foto loncat hahaha.

btw if you have recommended places (especially in Indonesia) don't forget to comment below! 


Ratri males login:D said...

aaaaah ngiler far pengen kesana XD nice review:D

Anonymous said...

Hai I like your blog. Boleh minta email untuk partnership?

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