Wednesday, December 10, 2014

2014 random photographs using iphone

Hey fellas! I know it has been long time I've been missing from the internet. I've spent the whole five months (I guess?) to enjoy the high school I attend. As you know aku masuk ke kelas ilmu sosial, alias IIS disebutnya sekarang. And high school is definitely different from junior high. Aku pulang sore terus, aku jadi lebih aktif di ekskul (by the way I signed myself to join theater club and choir, but not longer I quit from theater, so right now just choir), dan waktu buat online atau baca udah berkurang (also because I often buy magazines instead of books right now), daaan lebih punya banyak waktu bareng temen-temen. 

So, the 2014 is almost over and I'd like to share you some of my photographs in 2014. Before that I often took photographs using my Nikon D3100, and meanwhile I sometimes took some using iPhone, because I'm not always carrying my camera during travelling and I wanted to have a quick photograph so that I could share it at the same day on instagram or any other social medias. 

Here are my best shots taken by my iPhone.

EKLIPTIKA 2014, April 26th

It was a theme of the 1 Senior High School's art event. It tells about how we bring the name of Indonesia to the world. 

WEDNESDAY MORNING IN PUNCAK, June 4rd (aixtion goes to puncak)

So some of my friends and I decided to go on foot, exploring Puncak in the morning. We walked to the top until went back to the villa at around 9.00 AM and it was still cold outside. The higher we went, the closer the mountain looked and it was extremely breath-taking. 


I attend English course at LIA, near my house and it was rainy. When the rain stops, the sky turned colorful and I thought it was very beautiful, so I asked a permission to my English teacher if I could took it. 

WAKAI, July 20th

Wakai shoes store was opened recently that month at a mall in my hometown, and my father decided to take a look and bought each of us (me and my sister) a pair of Wakai shoes. There's the thing that I like about the store beside the shoes: the interior. I love the way they decorated the store. Several photos were put on the brick wall and they hung some flags.

THE STAGE, March 12th

Here's the thing that only few people (even few friends of mine) know: my sister and I had been a contestant of 2014 Indonesia's Got Talent. We were auditioned until the last step: the main stage with the main juries, which was held at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. We got four No's, from 4 main juries, so we didn't make it. I'm hoping that this could be our great experience. 

ETHNIC 2014, November 1st

Ethnic (Explore The Hidden Nirvana of Indonesian Culture) was a theme of my high school's event for this year. It presented how beautiful, unique and exotic our culture is. There were many collaborations within several extracurriculars, and mine (which is choir group) was collaborated with the theater club's performance. We were the soundtrack of the play, and our guest stars were Flash Escape and The Changcuters!

I haven't taken something interesting with my phone, and I hope I could get more and better photographs later. Dan berhubung SD Card aku lagi error, aku bener-bener enggak tau harus nge-post foto apa but photographs from my phone. Sebelumnya aku emang lebih sering foto pakai hape (since my phone was still blackberry tho) tapi setelah dibeliin kamera, aku mulai jarang foto pakai hape. But I think I could have some experiments with my photos that were taken by my phone. 

See you on the next post. :)

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