Actually these photos were taken on Sunday, January 22nd. But it's almost a month I didn't upload it, though. The Hard Rock Cafe is located in FX Plaza, Jakarta. I went to there with my family cuz my uncle had an event in there. That was by big chance to had so many objects for photography project!

Umm, that was my LOL photos. Hehe.

That was the bar. No, I don't drink and I didn't drink in there. Sorry for bad english, btw.
Hard Rock Cafe was so crowded when I visited to there.

The pictures were so beautiful and unique. You know, there are so many objects for photography in Hard Rock Cafe. I'd love to stay in a long time in there.

How cool, was it?

I love those guitars :3

Well that was the another bar on the upper floor.
Those were all that I've got :)
eh keren :3 foto2nya juga keren XD
Makasih ratriii :]
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