I didn't think that singing was a good idea. I've never sing in front of everyone before. But Trixie? Well, it's because she was a singer.
Tuesday was our first rehearsal. After school, we gathered in theatre.
"Come on, Will! Don't be late," Said Trixie.
"I bring so many books today, Trixie," Said me.
"Well, need a help?" She took my bag and brought it.
"Thanks, Trix,"
"Anytime," Said her.
We walked to the theatre.
Totally surprised.
There were so many students that really wanted to representing Montreal. I thought only a few students who wanted to join that competition.
"Hey, Mrs. Alice!" Shouted Trixie. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, Trixie," Said Mrs. Alice. "Hey, Will,"
"Shall we do the rehearsal?" Asked her.
"Okay, let's do it," Said me.
"Okay, everyone. Please sit!" Shouted Mrs. Alice. "Okay, good afternoon everyone,"
"Good afternoon,"
"Well, shall we do the rehearsal?"
"Yes, Ma'am,"
"Okay," Said Mrs. Alice. "But now I need a helper. Who wants?"
Of course I want to. So, I raised my hand. Well, what about Trixie? Of course she did.
"Trixie? Will?" Asked Mrs. Alice. "Anybody else?"
No one wanted to raise their hand. I really didn't mind when Mrs. Alice said that we have to set the choreography, the music and so on. It wasn't too hard to set all that stuff. I just need Trixie, Georgie and Alex to help me. No, no. We are not a gang, just mates.
"Umm, Will," Called Trixie.
"What should we do?" Asked her. Well, that was little bit complicated.
"We have to devide up the tasks," Said me. "Well then. Who's good at playing music?"
I counted the students who could play music. It's about 20 students.
"How about dancing?" Asked Trixie. 30 students were raising their hand.
"Umm, singing?" Asked me. No one wants to raised their hand.
"We can't. You can," Said Alex. I shocked.
"Who? Me?" Asked Trixie.
"No, not you," Said Georgie. "Will,"
"ME?" Exclaimed me. Singing? Well that was not my talent. I'm just being a musician, that's all.
"Yeah, you," Said Alex. Trixie smiled to me. "I know you can do it, Will," Said her.
"Umm, I don't know," Said me.
"Well, who's agree if Will is being our leader of our group?" Asked Trixie. Honestly, 99.99% Of all students who joined the competition were raised their hand. "Okay. You are going to be the leader," Said Trixie.
"Oh, me?"
"Yeah, you," Said Trixie. "You said that you want to be the leader right? Now lead this group. I know you can do it. I'll help you,"
"Really?" Asked me.
"Yeah, I trust you," Smiled Trixie. "Okay, next month is a selection. We need to get ready, everyone,"
"Well, what song that you want to use for the selection?" Asked me. "The easy song? It's okay. It's up to you,"
You want to know what song that I want to use? I thought that we could sing "Haven't Met You Yet" Song by Michael Bublé. Yeah, I'm one of his fan, got a prob?
I've told you before that I love jazz. And Michael Bublé is a jazz singer. Don't know? Type 'google.com' then search Michael Bublé.
"What about 'The Power Of Dream' by Celine Dion?" Asked Darrell Archie, one of my friend in 9-10D.
"Umm, I know that song, but I think we sing that song on the grand final, but now just sing a simple song," Said me.
"Wait, wait!" Exclaimed Trixie. "Divide up the tasks first! The students who wants to dance, stand up in front of that piano. The students who wants to playing music stay in here, Now, sing...,"
Oh, geez.
"..You," She appointed to me.
"Trixie, are you sure?" Asked me.
"Totally," Answered her. "But I'll help you,"
"Promise," She smiled.
"Okay, then," I took my notebook. "For the dancers first. Who wants to train your friends to dance plus make a new moves?"
Valleria Janette, a girl from 9-10F was raised her hand. "I can," Said her.
"Okay, thanks Valls," Said me. "How about the music? Who wants to be the conductor?"
There was no student to raise their hand.
"Of course no one, Will. Only you too can being a conductor," Said Alex. Gee, being the conductor is so easy! Just lead an orchestra group, it isn't difficult, right?
"Others, Alex," Said Trixie. "Don't be afraid. Today is just a practice,"
"Okay, if no one wants to be, I want," Alex raised his hand. I was confused. "Really, Alex?"
"Really," Said him. "Could you trust me to do it, Will?"
I have to be fair with everyone, so I trusted him. "Yes, I could. But you have to be serious. Promise?"
"Promise!" Exclaimed Alex. "Thanks, Will! You're the pro!"
"Okay, all of you, now you can start practicing," Said me. All students were busy with their tasks.
"Trixie," Called me.
"Why don't we make a song, perhaps?" Asked me. She laughed.
"Umm, what's wrong?"
"No, nothing," Answered her. "But I don't think that make our own song is a good idea. If when the committee wants we sing another artist's song, What should we do? It's okay, Will. Just for one time we are using another song,"
"Umm, okay,"
"Hey, by the way, 'Haven't Met You Yet' song by Michael Bublé is okay for the selection,"
Yap, how did she know? I never told to everyone if that song is okay for the selection. How did she?
"Trixie, I have a same thinking like you!" Exclaimed me. "I thought that song was amazing for the selection. We can use that if you want,"
"Hey, really?"
"Yeah," She smiled. "Hey, by the way why don't we ask Mrs. Alice how many schools that join the competition?"
That was a good idea. So we left from the theatre and went to the teacher's room. Mrs. Alice was there.
"Hi, the great couple," Said her. Yap, she called us 'the great couple', because we were so close everyday.
"Please don't call us like that," Said Trixie. She laughed. "Just joking, my dear," Said Mrs. Alice. "Well, what can I help you?"
"How many schools that join this competition?" Asked her. She was thinking.
"Umm, 60 schools has signed for the competition, so I think you all will compete with another school,"
Yeah, 60 schools were signed for the competition. How humiliating.
"WOW," Said Trixie. "I think it's fun. Well, let's continue the practice, Will,"
"Okay," We left the teacher's room. "Bye, Mrs. Alice!"
"Okay," We left the teacher's room. "Bye, Mrs. Alice!"
"Bye, my dear," Said her.
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