It's been so long I didn't post my personal life in here. Yap, been busy with school plus the challenge that I join right now.
These photographs were already taken at February 11th, when I had my culture arts project. I painted some flowers on the T-Shirt, for my school project.

I'm not quite good at painting, though. I'm rarely painting too in home. I often blogging and playing music. The object that has already in my brain was just flowers. I don't know the reason why I really love to see the flowers, just like on that picture.

I used Deco Textil for the media. Hey, I'm not promoting right now. My mom bought those for me, then she said that I'm not allowed to waste it cuz those are expensive. Yeah I don't know the price but this paints are better than my paints before.

Those are the example of the paints. Look on the purple paint. There are some glitters in there. Yeah it's because there's some glitters in that paint.

Those are the colours. I love the purple one, hehe.

Those are the colors that I used fot painting the flowers. Yeah simple colors, such as purple, blue, green, etc.
That's all that I've got. See ya next time!
eh keren :3 aku suka ngelukis juga lo btw :D
tapi semua kuas2 sama chat minyakku udah nggak tau dimana sekarang._. soalnya dulu abis ngelukis nggak tak beresin *plakk* btw lukisanmu bagus xD
Makasih ratri :D hehe
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