At School.
We've been practicing for 10 times, two times a week. But I didn't think that our performance will be better than the rehearsal.
Then, on Monday we were having a rehearsal (Again). I tested their own performance. And I was totally surprised.
They were performed nicely.
Actually, I was rarely coach them. I just saw them practicing while I was drew the formation on the stage.
"How's going, leader?" Asked Trixie on my back.
"Everything is okay," Said me. "I think they're ready to perfom,"
"Well, how about you?"
Trixie's question made me felt worried. I was busy to watched my friends while I haven't practiced yet! I was confused to answer Trixie's question.
"I haven't practiced yet, Trix," Answered me. She giggled.
"Why don't you have your own rehearsal today with me? In my house, perhaps?" Asked Trixie. That was a good idea, I guess.
"Okay, then," Said me.
"Yay!" Exclaimed Trixie. "Would you mind to help me do my Math homework?"
Well, that was usually happening in Trixie's house. She wanted me to help her doing her homework. She never copying my homeworks. I just tell the way to finish the homework. Then you can say that I'm her 'teacher', 'cause Trixie won't take a private course. She said to her mother that she has already had her 'private teacher', and that was me. She thinks I'm extraordinary smart, But actually I'm rarely get 100 in an exam.
"Okay, okay,"
"Thank you, Will!" Said her and back to the dance group. She was not being a dancer in that group, just being a dance teacher for another friends. Believe in me, She loves dancing too. How did I know that? Yeah 'cause I saw her that she was dancing with On The Floor song, and I guess she made the moves.
While I was making the formation, I got a text message from anonymous.
"Hey William. You don't need to know who am I. Meet me after the selection of the competition. Meet me in front of 9-10D. I swear this is not from Trixie. Thanks~"I knew someone has pranked me. So I ignored the text.
But 10 minutes later, I got a text message again.
"I'm from Montreal too, William. But you don't need to know am I. I just wanna give you some advice. I know you ignore my message while you are making the formation."
The anonymous knows that I was making the formation! I bet they were in the theatre too, because they knew that I was making the formation. Forget about that. But, I thought they wanna help me, perhaps?
"Hey, Will!" Greet Trixie. "What are you doing now?"
"Making the formation," Said me. "So, how's the dancing group? Did they dance nicely?"
"Of course, they did," Said Trixie. "Better rehearsal again, Will. You've already make the formation. Now it's time for tell the formation to everyone. Okay?"
"Okay," Said me. "Wait, but I think I'll tell them tomorrow,"
"Why?" Asked her.
"I'm just not ready yet,"
"Oh, okay," Said Trixie.
"Of course, they did," Said Trixie. "Better rehearsal again, Will. You've already make the formation. Now it's time for tell the formation to everyone. Okay?"
"Okay," Said me. "Wait, but I think I'll tell them tomorrow,"
"Why?" Asked her.
"I'm just not ready yet,"
"Oh, okay," Said Trixie.
Suddenly, there was an announcement from intercom.
"Good morning to all students of Montreal that join the musical drama competition, right now please come to teacher's room. We are going to go to Paris Hall for a technical meeting. Once again, to all students of Montreal that join the musical drama competition, right now please come to the teacher's toom. We are going to go to Paris Hall for a technical meeting. Thanks for your attention,"
"What the?" Exclaimed Trixie. "Now? We haven't practice togehter yet!"
Yeah, we were very worried when we heard the announcement. She was right.
"What should we do, Will?" Asked Trixie. Well, I was confused, what I'm going to say to Mrs. Alice.
"I don't know!" Answered me. "What should I say to Mrs. Alice?"
"I'm confused too, Will!" Exclaimed her. "Forget about that. The important thing is we have to go to Paris Hall,"
At 10.00 AM, we went to Paris Hall.
As usual, I sat next to Trixie in the bus. You know, soulmate. But some people thought that we were dating, but actually, NOT. My parents aren't allowed me to have a date with someone, even Trixie ('Cause they think that I'm too small to do something like that. Look at me, mom, dad! I'm fifteen and turning sixteen on January 28th!). Well, what about her parents? Trixie told me that her parents has a same thinking with my parents.
I was worried about the technical meeting, so I just heard the songs from my iPhone.
"You worried?" Asked Trixie.
"Umm, yeah, A little," Said me.
"Wait, but I don't think that technical meeting is a rehearsal together with another school," Said her.
"How do you know?"
"Umm, I don't know. Maybe it isn't," Hope so.
Paris Hall.
We arrived at Paris Hall. The Hall was full of another school who wanna join the competition.
And as usual, when we (I mean Trixie and I) arrived, there were so many people who ran to us and we've already known it that they wanted us to give them our signature.
And as usual (Again), people called me cute. I'm rarely look at myself in the mirror. Am I cute?
"Wow," Said Alex beside of me.
"No, nothing," Said Alex. "Just saying, 'wow',"
After gave my signature, I walked to the hall. Paris Hall was so big. I've been in here, when I was having my first concert.
Our seat has already reserved, in front of the stage.
We met so many awesome and famous schools in the hall. And as I know, one of the schools that joined the competition was Montreal's big enemy since 9th generation.
We sat and then the technical meeting has begun.
"Good morning to all participants!" Exclaimed the host on the stage. "Did you know why did you all come to here, to the Paris Hall?"
I thought that host was insane, 'cause I bet he has already known the reason why we were in Paris Hall, but he was still asking to us. Silly.
"For the technical meeting!" Screamed a school in our back.
"Yap, that's right!" Said the host. He was really insane, don't you? Asking to us such as he's asking to the kindergarten students.
"Today we just wanna tell the rules for you all, for the participants," Said him. "No, not rehearsal together. You may keep your performance on the selection,"
"The rules will be read by one of our jury, Mr. Benny!"
Everyone was applause the jury. The big-tall-black-guy came to the stage to read the rules.
"Hello, everyone," Said Mr. Benny. "Now I would like to tell you the rules,"
He opened the paper that he brought.
"First, the selection will be held two weeks later," Ha. No problem.
"Second, Perform with one song only," It doesn't matter.
"Thrid, do not create your own song for the selection," What should I say? I'm not mood on making songs now.
"Fourth, the performance must be a musical drama," It's easy for me, though.
"Fifth, you may arrange the music accompaniment," I always do that in home.
"Sixth, the singer may more than one," Trixie and I will do that.
"Seventh, In all participants, there are only 5 schools that will go to the finale," WHAT?!
"In the finale, there are only 2 schools that will go to the grand finale," I'm dead meat.
"How about the assesment criteria?" Asked the host. I was dizzy when the jury read that stinky rules.
"Maybe in the selection," Said Mr. Benny. "That's all. Good day, everyone,"
WHAT?! THAT'S IT? ONLY THAT?! We came far from school to Paris Hall and that's it? Just wanna tell the rules? What the.
In the afternoon, I came to Trixie's house, for singing rehearsal.
"I have more than 5 albums of Michael Bublé. I'm one of his fans," Said Trixie when we were arrived to her bedroom. "One of my favorite song from Call Me Irresponsible album is 'Everything' by him,"
"Really?" I knew that song. I always heard that in my iPhone.
She smiled. "Yeah," She said. "And I hope someone could sing it for me,"
I thought she was quiped me to sing for her. Well, it doesn't matter for me. All I need to do is just having a rehearsal.
I thought she was quiped me to sing for her. Well, it doesn't matter for me. All I need to do is just having a rehearsal.
"Hope so," Said me.
She laughed. "So, shall we start rehearsal?"
"Why not?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Went home.
When I was in my bedroom, I always heard Trixie's sentence, 'And I hope someone could sing it for me,'. Did she mean that it was me, who have to sing it for her?
You'll never know until I tell you in another part.
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