Gud afternoon all! Today I'm not gonna post any photos of mine in here, cuz I got an award from my blogger-friend. Thank you so much to Ann, the one who gave me this tag!
1. Describe 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions from the one who gave you this award.
3. Make 11 questions.
4. Tag this to your 11 friends and write in ther shoutbox that they've been tagged.
I just write the important rules. Now let's start!
11 things about me
- Fashion-obsessed-girl, I love to buy so many dresses at the mall.
- I love to write songs. Most of them are in english. Well you know that I wanna be a songwriter:)
- Guitarist, pianist and singer.
- I love photography:)
- Proud to be a Potterhead, especially obsessed with Weasley Twins.
- A Phelpsaholic, Celiniac, Enchancer, Bungalow-buble, and Fuhrmanizer.
- I'd like to learn Dutch.
- Love to write novels.
- Heart vintage.
- I really want to have a big brother.
- I feel netral with all subjects in school.
Ann's questions + my answers
1. Do you like cooking? If it's yes, what kind of food do you like to cook? If it's no, then why?
Oh no, I don't. I don't have any skill to cook, but I do love watching a person cooks something!
2. During the breaktime in school, what are you usually doing?
The important thing that I have to do during the breaktime is eating. During the lessons, I always feel hungry. After eating, I spend my time to talk to Avifanysca, my best friends!
3. Are your parents always angry with you?
I don't wanna talk about this. Sorry!
4. Do you love playing music?
YES I DO! Being a musician is my future career. And now on, I'd like to learn violin and drum, beside piano and guitar.
5. Have you met with your idol?
I haven't, but hope so!
6. What are your hobbies?
I love playing music, singing, drawing, writing songs, and writing novels. And also I spend my time with doing one of those.
7. Do you always go out every Saturday Night?
Not really, maybe just for having a dinner with family.
8. During the weekend, do you hangout with friends?
Sometimes. This week my friends and I are going to watch a brand new movie in a cinema!
9. What's the meaning of true friends for you? Mention at least one of your best friends!
Well for me, a true friend ins't judge someone by its cover. I think that is the most important meaning of true friends. Actually, I have 9 best friends. They're Adisty, Vivid, Inas, Agnes, Nadiah, Yasmin, Shamira, Chacha and Ambar.
10. When was your unforgettable birthday?
When I was having my 13th birthday! My classmates were planning something for me. They pranked me and made me cry, but finally they made a surprise for me. As people said, life in Junior and Senior High is more beautiful than life in elementary. I have better friends in my new school!
11. What do you think about me (Ann) after you read 11 things about me?
Well I can't possibily describe her cuz I don't know her very well. When I read 11 things about Ann, I think she's pretty unique:)
My questions:
- What's your top recuirring dream?
- Do you obsessed with something?
- What kind of genre of books or movies do you like?
- What kind of music genre do you like?
- What are your favorite artists?
- Do you miss your elementary friends?
- Are you a gamer?
- What are your favorite books?
- What are your favorite TV shows?
- If you have a chance to meet your idol and talk to him/her, what will you do and what will you tell?
- Do you had a worst nightmare?
Well I know that my questions are not important, but rules are rules. It's because I'm too lazy to tag it (So sorry._.v), I let everyone to take this. By bloggies!
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