Sunday, February 21, 2016

blue lake

Wew have I been MIA for more than a half year?

So I've got to tell you what happened in past half year, where I didn't even check out my own blog (though I guess I was "enjoying" my time as an eleventh grader which has much more school work and stuff). 

In fact, nothing special happened. 

Unless on Teacher's Day in November 25th where all of the students (as usual) in my school gave a big surprise for all teachers. Then we sang Hymne Guru and little bit speech and so on. Quite fun, actually, and I keep the photos and videos that I think I'll start editing it so I can upload it on Youtube. If it is possible. (school work, duh)

And I realize that I start focusing myself on academic much more intensively. Though my grades are improved, but you can't imagine how stressed I was in the first semester to get a good score. But, with that kind of stress I think I have improved my own skills on something that I didn't really master. 

Just say that I wasn't a really good presenter in the class. I think it's because I was hoping a good score so I tried myself to be a good presenter. It worked tho. :) and after that I don't present by reading all the materials in my power point. Even sometimes I still feel nervous before getting in front of the class. But believe me, I'm eager to try again and again. 

Like my last task in LIA before I pass High Intermediate - 4. We're expected to make an essay about anything we like and we'll present it in front of our classmates and some of HI - 4 teachers. And some of the audiences will ask some questions about our essay and so on. So it'll be like a small council. The first time I practiced in front of the class was kind of a nightmare for me, though I hadn't presented something in full English about something that I master and I should improve my presentation in case I forget. My teacher taught me that I was like speaking on my own since I talked too fast and in low voice. 

(I actually had presented in full English before in LIA. But I just memorize what I wrote without knowing or mastering any of my writing in English Class at school and my teacher mostly pays attention with our grammar beside the topic of our essay, and I know that I still have a really bad grammar)

And you know I have more essays to do at school; like making a review of a movie that I've watched. Review a movie means review everything I watched; the plot, the acting, the composition, plus-minus, the production, and the differences when compared to other movies that are almost the same. I reviwed Big Eyes because I just watched it a couple weeks ago on TV and I compared it with The Danish Girl. It took three pages for the review and I didn't believe it at first; I'm afraid it's way too long and I'm afraid for the bad grammar. 

 (Reviewing a movie is an Indonesian task btw, and I've got to say that I'm worse in Indonesian than English and I think that Indonesian grammar is way harder than English. I don't know about the others. Technically it's hard for me to get above 90 in Indonesian)

Well I guess I'm done with telling about my school task and activities. Most of my activities in the first semester were so-so; nothing special but nothing bad too. I'm eager to tell about my holiday in July! 

(wew, it's half a year ago)

So my family went overseas to Banjarmasin, three days after Idul Fitri, a week before school started. And how I really missed staying at my grandma's, having a sleepover with my cousins, playing games with my bros, and of course - exploring Banjarmasin! 

On the third day in Banjarmasin, we set up a plan for visiting one of Banjarmasin's tourists destinations: Danau Biru, Pengaron, Banjarmasin. 

the lake was actually place for digging coal, so I'm pretty sure that the lake contains kind of chemicals and minerals. But it makes the lake beautiful. TIP: if would be better if you go there with jeep or kind of manual cars 






well I'm hoping that we can have other trip on the next holiday. :)

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