I'm very tired, yeah. Last night I slept at 00.00 AM. It's not because I can't sleep, but I had a lot of homework. Yeah, homework. Actually it doesn't matter for me 'cause I love studying and doing my homworks. But yesterday I had a lot of stuff that I had to do. So I just hoping that when the teacher is teaching, I won't sleep.
Umm, should I introduce myself?
Okay, then. I'm William North Poll (Please call me Will or William, not North Pole), a student in Montreal International School (And also the musician from Paris). I'm 15 Years Old, turning sixteen on January 28th. Maybe you'll not understand what kind of this story about. Let me talk.
If you know Trixie Trainee, the coolest girl in Montreal and in the entertainment world, I had a relationship with her. Hey, not date! Only best friends.
Actually I want to make a friend with her because I really missed my sister Lily. She's 11th grade, I guess. She died when I was 8th grade. I think Trixie was my new sister, because she's so kind to me. Well then, it doesn't mean that I like her.
Well, that's short story about me. Wanna know more? Please, I'm too tired to tell you a lot about me.
I went to school, then went to my lucky class, 9-10D, when the creative and craziest students were gathered together in 9-10D. Why I called them 'craziest students'? 'Cause they're too overacting when they're joking. Got it?
I got to my class, and I was pretty surprise when I saw only 14 students in the class. Where's everybody?
Including Trixie! Well actually, Trixie was my neighboor. I often go to her house almost everyday. Yeah, for duet together, teach her, or just playing. I know I already go to High School, but I think 'play' word isn't in my dictionary. I still love playing (Not playing doll or something).
Then, Trixie came.
"Hi Will!" Said her. "Where's everybody?"
"I don't know," Answered me. "I just came in here,"
"Okay, don't think about that, it doesn't matter," Said her. "Let's find a chair for us,"
Trixie and I always sit together in the class. Yeah you know, best friends should be like that.
After Trixie, Alex came.
"Hello, people!" Shouted Alex. "What's going on?"
"Nothing," I said. "Better find your seat, Alex,"
"Whatever," Said Alex.
The bell rings, and the lesson begins.
The first lesson activity on Monday was having a ceremony. *skip*
Then after ceremony, we were having Biology, the worst lesson on earth (My friends said like that except Trixie), but I think Biology is fun. I think it's because my friends doesn't want to use their brain. Too deep.
But I thought the Biology teacher didn't come, 'cause it was almost a half hour we were waiting for our Biology Teacher, but she hasn't come yet.
And suddenly, our teacher- Mrs. Caroline came to our class. Mrs. Caroline was our Language teacher. She knows more than 10 languages in this world.
"Mrs. Caroline?" Said Trixie. "Right now isn't your lesson, right?"
"I know," Said Mrs. Caroline. "But I have an announcement. Actually that announcement was from our principal, and he forwarded it to all teachers in Montreal to tell to their class,"
"I see," I said.
"Okay, everyone. Please sit!" Said Mrs. Caroline. "I have an announcement for you all."
"What announcement?" Asked Georgie Florence, one of my close friends after Alex. Not Best friends, okay? Trixie is only my best friend.
"Well, it's about a competition," Said Mrs. Caroline. "A musical drama competition in each school. The selection will be held on three weeks later. If you're intrested to represent our school, please sign your name to your music teacher- Mrs. Alice in Teacher's room. I bet all students in 9-10D will sign their name, especially Will and Trixie,"
"Always!" Exclaimed Trixie.
"Okay, that's all that I want to announce," Said Mrs. Caroline. "What's the first lesson today?"
"Biology," Answered Alex.
"Oh, okay then,"
Break time.
"Hey, do you think what I'm thinking?" Asked Trixie.
"Surely I don't know. What?" Asked Georgie.
"Would you all like to sign your name? For representing school?"
"What the?" Exclaimed Alex. "I can't sing, Trixie!"
"It doesn't matter, Alex," Said Trixie. "You could play the music, or dance, maybe. You don't have to be the lead singer,""So, who wants to sign your own name?" Asked Trixie.
"Me, of course," Answered me.
"Yeah, you must," Said Trixie. "What about you, Georgie? Alex?"
"I'm not good at music, but I think join that competition is okay," Said Georgie. "Well then, I'll join,"
"Alex?" Asked me.
"Actually, it's been so long I want to sing, so I'll join," Answered Alex.
"Okay," Said Trixie. "Wait, Alex. You said that you're not good at singing,"
"Yeah, I am," Said Alex. "But I just want to try it. It doesn't matter, right?"
"Yeah, you're right," Said Trixie. "Well then, let's go to meet Mrs. Alice!"
The final decision was we were joined that competition. I didn't know how many schools that are going to join the selection.
Teacher's Room.
"Excuse me," Said Trixie while she was opened the door. "Is Mrs. Alice is available to talk now?" Asked her to Mrs. Penny, the Mathematic teacher.
"Yeah, she is," Siad Mrs. Penny. "She's right over there,"
"Thanks," Said Trixie.
"Morning, Mrs. Alice,"
"Morning, Trixie," She smiled. "Well, what can I help you?""We want to sign our name to join that musical drama competition," Answered her.
"No charge, right?" Asked Alex. Mrs. Alice laughed. "Of course not! Our school has already have the funds. Don't worry,"
"Not funny, Alex," Mocked Georgie.
"Okay, sign your name here," Mrs. Alice gave us a piece of paper.
"Will," Called Trixie.
"Would you like to try something new?"
What did she mean? Try football sport?
"What do you mean?" Asked me.
"Answer first," Answered Trixie. Gee, she was my best friend, but she has a lot of mysteries.
"Yeah, why?"
"Would you like to be a singer in musical drama competition?" Asked Trixie. "Not only you, with me, Georgie and Alex,"
Well, I was surprised. I know, I'm the musician, but it doesn't mean that I can sing. I'll tell you, I'm not good at singing. I had a bad voice and I'm not a singer.
But actually when I was in elementary, I was dreaming that I wanted to be a jazz singer, just like Michael Buble. I didn't know the reason why I really wanted to be a jazz singer when I was in elementary.
"I'm waiting,"
"Oh," Said me. "But, are you sure?"
"Pretty sure," Answered her. "Come on, you just need a rehearsal. Don't worry. It doesn't matter that we try something new,"
I doubted Trixie's idea. Singing?
But I thought It was fun to sing together.
"Okay, I accepted it," I smiled.
"Great!" Said her. "Thanks, Will!""Anytime,"