Hello people! So it has been June, I've done my exams, and I'm going to take my report book on Saturday, aaaaand welcome Summer--Er, I mean, welcome Ramadhan. :)
So this year my school decided to have a study tour to Jogja and Solo. It was held to develop our knowledge, especially in Indonesian History, Geography, Sociology, Economics and also Chemisrty (for the science class) subjects. And where did we visit for the past five days?
Several days before the study tour, I had decided that I'd make a new project after Aixtion Goes to Puncak movie documentary (I've finished creating the movie and I need to ask my 9th grade classmates a permission If I could upload the vids). So I asked my dad if I could bring my camera, and then he said yes, and I was too excited when I heard that (I really was), then, it was the day.
On the first day (March 10th) we left our hometown at six, and since that morning I was ready for recording something funny that happened in the bus, It took almost a day to our hotel and what I did was just listening to my iPod.

the view when we were on the way to jogja
We visited Sangiran Museum--it's a place where hominids were mostly found. You will find the fossils and everything related to the pre-history.

Went shopping at Malioboro and visited Ratu Boko Temple (which needed much energy to get there bc it is located in the highland). In the afternoon we headed to Pentingsari Village, where we had home stay
view from Ratu Boko Temple

Our last day in Pentingsari Village! We took a walk in the morning and we had got great views there, including Mt. Merapi. Then, we had shopping at bakpia store (which I forget the name) and went to Soeharto Museum before we went home.

Soeharto Museum

you can also see the trailer of our journey in jogja.
good night and have a nice holiday! :)