Friday, May 23, 2014

TeenTip: things to do before you graduate

Thank God It's Friday, people!

I'm so thrilled to tell you something. Udah minggu ke-2 aku liburan setelah UN, and I've got plenty of things to do; film dokumenter, nulis lagu, menggambar dan rencananya mau bikin foto-foto yang kesannya impossible tapi berseni. 

Kemarin, aku dateng ke sekolah karena yearbook udah selesai! Pulang ke rumahnya yang susah, kemarin hujan awet, dan baru nyampe ke rumah setengah 6. To be honest aku puas sama hasil yearbooknya. Covernya simpel dan minimalis. Kata adekku, isi yearbooknya klasik; enggak terlalu berlebihan. Tapi sayang banget koleksi foto seangkatan (di luar photoshoot) nya sedikit, misalnya foto-foto pas masih masa-masanya KBM. But it's okay, otherwise the yearbook is great!

Oh iya, kalo enggak salah kakak-kakak SMA kelas 12 pengumuman UN ya? Selamat buat kakak-kakak kelas 12 ya! Semoga bisa ngelanjutin pendidikannya di perguruan tinggi yang diinginkan. Pokoknya, keep chasing your dream! :) Pengumuman SMP masih lama nih, 14 Juni. Perpisahan angkatan aku diadain sekitar tanggal 20-an Juni.

farahfrd-photography. jhs graduation, 2012.

Aku ada beberapa tips buat semua siswa Indonesia (or maybe students in other countries who graduate this year?)yang lulus tahun ini. Sebelum perpisahan pastinya ada hari libur, dong? It's better when you spend your time with your friends or doing some quality activities instead of doing nothing. Things to do before you graduate:
  1. Make a scrapbook full of photos of you and your friends. Make sure put some weird-but-fun photos. 
  2. Visit another school party with your friends and make some move, because a thing that you would miss the most after you graduate is the time when you become 'crazy' with your friends. So, don't waste it!
  3. Watch movie(s) together. You don't need to throw a sleepover to do this. You can do this at your friend's house or your house, or go to a cinema to watch the recent movie(s). You don't have to use big screen like in a cinema and a projector to watch together if you want to do this outside the cinema. 
  4. Make sure you know all teachers at your school and make a good relationship with them. You can consider them as friends too, right?
  5. Be nice with people at school (staffs, teachers, freshmen, the juniors). 
  6. Play some traditional and board games together. You don't have to play video games to have fun, right?
  7. Sing-A-Long! Play a guitar or other instruments, and start singing together.
  8. Connect with your friends at some social medias, especially the social medias that provide video call. 
  9. Ask your friends (that graduate at same year or teachers or other else at school) to sign your yearbook on the last empty page. 
  10. The last... Enjoy the quality time with your friends before you graduate, because when you're in a new school with new friends, it would be hard if you want to gather with them (I feel it when I want to gather with some of my elementary friends). 
Done! Aku sama temen kelasku udah ngelakuin beberapa hal sebelum perpisahan. Paling sering itu nonton bareng karena satu sama lain ngerekomendasiin film-film apa aja yang bagus buat ditonton. Kalau ada hal-hal lain yang bisa dilakuin sebelum lulus selain di atas ini, do it! 

Why don't you make your own 'things to do before you graduate'? Aku yakin pasti masih banyak. Semoga kelas 9 sama adek-adek kelas 6 bisa lulus 100%! Amin... buat kakak-kakak kelas 12, semoga bisa masuk perguruan tinggi yang diinginkan!

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