Hello guys! I'm back with new post. Remember the post that I told you that I visited my friend when he was sick? Well after visiting him, Nimeesha (my BPC partner) and I went to a mall, just for refreshing. Just two of us, yes! My other friends couldn't come with us cuz they had their own occassions.
We had lunch together, then went to a bookstore, just window shopping (I'd like to stay in a long time at bookstore than in a department store. Believe me, bookstores are cool!). After that, we went to stationary store. There I bought a new sketch book, although I know I love drawing and I use a hundred pieces of paper just for drawing, and I think it's time to save the papers by buying a sketch book. After that, we were relaxing at J.CO.
Cuz I didn't know what I was going to do, so I took some photoshoots of J.CO products. If some of photographers in tumblr, instagram, or any other blogs use Starbucks for the photo product, I often use J.CO.
P.S: If you love photography, you should visit twistedsifter.com! you're gonna love that... the site is full of amazing photography, from nature, technology, space, until travel photos! Now the twistedsifter.com is my favorite site to visit. I love the photographs!

Were that look delicous?