Once upon a time, in a far-far away kingdom in a small-peaceful house, Mr. Paddington Bear- the lonely bear lives with Salt Family, a family who doesn't care about him. Mr. And Mrs. Salt doesn't care about their family, their children. They're only care with their jobs. Well, how about their children, Jordan and Catherine Salt? They're busy with their own activity. They're rarely gathering together. How awful!
Catherine has a wonderful doll, Paddington Bear. She bought that doll when she was little and when Salt Family was having their vacation in London. She fell in love with that doll, so she bought it. When Catherine was little, she always brought Mr. Paddington Bear everywhere. She loved Mr. Paddington Bear. But now? Catherine is a high-schooler girl right now, so she ignored Mr. Paddington Bear. He's so sad. Nobody wants to play with him. Jordan? Well he's different with Catherine. Even Catherine isn't playing toys and dolls anymore, btu she's still taking care of her doll collection. But how about Jordan? He hates toys. He hates dolls. A few weeks ago, he threw Mr. Paddington Bear out of the Salt house.
Mr. Paddingotn bear doesn't get any love from Catherine. He's so alone. Alone. He spends his life with sitting and waiting for Catherine.

He's looking at the window, waiting for Catherine. He has no friends. He's alone in Salt's house. Nobody touch him anymore.

Mrs. Salt opens the door and she looks Mr. Paddington Bear. "Hell, she's still keep this? Catherine is a high-schooler girl!" Mrs. Salt doesn't like Paddington Bear, so she brings him to the living room and put it beside Catherine's shoes. I'm nothing in this family.

When Catherine is back, she's startled when she sees her doll in the living room. She grabs him and put on her bed. She takes her glasses and she give it to Mr. Paddington Bear. Then, she leaves. Mr. Paddington Bear spends his time for sitting and listening music.

Well this is Mr. Paddington's life. Full of sadness, alone, and sad.